Monday, June 23, 2008

The beginning of the END...for the elitists and the owners of this "country"..

There comes a time in everyone's life...when they must decide what path on the road of life they would like to take. I have reached this path and I have decided to take the hardest road, the unpaved one that is surrounded by unkempt woods, wild animals and danger in every shadow. The why is unimportant because the why should never have to be approached because it just is. I unlike most of you have been going through a re-education process that is completely self-induced and self-taught. This was necessary so that I can lead the American people to victory, self-respect, appreciation of love for your country and the total collapse of our fascist government back to the constitutional government it was intended to be. Yes I want to overthrow the evil that is sitting in the plush chairs that our so-called tax dollars bought for their fat butts. I am tired of it all and not in the sense that I want to kill myself... Most of you are tired of it but, thanks to our wonderful indoctrination of stupidity most people in the USA, Inc. barely even know what years the civil war was fought, or even who hitler was. Yes this is true "google" it if you'd like and you will see the disgusting truth.
I will post my journey here through the USA, Inc. of recruiting people to march on Washington, D.C. My vision is to have over 1 million people strong who care about their freedoms enough to do something about it now before it's to late. Now is the time, and I'm leading the charge. My fellow Americans the time for war is NOW.


Anonymous said...

I don't support "war," my friend, but I do support peaceful, huge demonstrations. War implies bloodshed, and setting yourself up as "the leader" is just creating more hierarchy. Hierarchy enslaves.

The defeat of the global agenda will belong to the people when it happens, not to any one person. Please revise your rhetoric, or you will hurt our cause more than you help it. Be humble enough to be one leader among many, and encourage all to be leaders.

And yes, let's march together! The key to success is, "together" - as equals, as the people.

I would appreciate your telling me if you are the person behind the you-tube video calling for a march on D.C. and London for July 4. I would like to promote it, but not if it's you behind it proposing bloodshed and setting yourself up as "the leader of America." Please write to me at and clarify your plans and intentions.

Bronte Baxter

"Splinter in the Mind" blog site

Take America Back NOW! said...

Albeit I agree with you 100% about hierarchy enslaving as it is the problem we are facing now. If you look back in history you can easily see that there were many leaders of change. I did not want to become the leader of nothing more than that. Seeing as no one in this country is willing to die for the freedoms that many lives before them gave. Can you or any other American look yourself in the mirror and really accept what it takes to be free? You must realize that our freedom wasn't gained through protesting, sign waving or peaceful sit-ins. You must also realize that we've been brainwashed into thinking that those are extreme measures simply because they work. Again simply refer to our history of how we became free, you will not see very much peacefulness other than what most Americans have tried now, legislation, voting, etc. It's not working and it's time to wake up to that simple fact. You and are able to blog about this, but while you're blogging I will be in the streets talking to the real people face-to-face. The people who are starving, the people who are being kicked out of their homes, the people who have families that are being dumped in the streets. George Carlin said it best, "They don't give a f*** about you". Our current state of government couldn't be any more obvious to that fact. Remember this when they declare martial law and you're sitting in one of the 800+ concentration camps in our country. This is a harsh reality we Americans must face. That reality is not powder puffed or sugar coated as CNN, Fox News or any other main stream media would have us believe.
As for the march on July 4th I am not the organizer however I am going to do everything I possibly can to help get as many people marching there as possible.
I do understand your immediate inclination towards peace but, I have also not stated that peace would be out of the question. I simply referred to history to show a track record of provable events in which direct action was taken which got results.

Anonymous said...

Take, I applaud your enthusiasm and passion, and I agree we must be willing to die for freedom or we will never succeed in regaining it. But I don't agree that violence is the answer. Certainly not violence that we ourselves instigate. That would make us as criminal as the people we oppose.

In the case of the American Revolution, the colonists did not attack England. It was England who attacked the colonists. We simply declared our independence, then here they came. In that situation, when you're being physically attacked, there's nothing wrong in taking up arms to defend yourself. That's totally different than being the attacker.

Haven't you seen how the few people who got violent in the WTO protests ruined the cause in the court of public opinion? On account of those few who got violent, the watching world developed the opinion that the World Trade Organization was good and those who opposed it were bad. The world would have seriously listened to the views of the protesters if they had been made in peace, and we would have won lots of converts. But the few who resorted to violence ruined the effect of the protests for the majority of protesters who came in peace. And we all lost out as a result of that.

Saying we must be violent in the current situation is like solving a beginning quarrel with an adversary by shooting him in the head. You don't start out an argument by shooting someone but by trying to persuade them. If that doesn't work, you use resistance. Only if you are physically assaulted is it okay to respond with assault.

History is rife with examples of revolutions that were accomplished using precisely the approach you appear to advocate. And what happened after such revolutions? A new bloody power was installed, a new dictator, who ran the show every bit as cruelly and unfairly as his predecessor.

All revolutionaries probably have good intentions to begin with. They want a free society. But because they chose to fight for it by instigating violence, so many revolutionaries became morally corrupt. They may win, but they cannot administrate the new government in peace and fairness because they have abdicated fairness when they took the lives of those who did not attack them first. Their hearts and minds are filled with hate and guilt. They live out their lives in blood, and the country they "freed" continues to suffer.

If we keep to the moral high ground, we can indeed effect a major change in society. We can create a new world, with peace and equality and harmony for all. That will not happen, Take, if you pollute our efforts with instigated violence. Then you become no better than the enemy.

You can do so much good by talking to people the way you are doing, but not if you tell them to kill in the name of freedom. If you are doing that, you are destroying the hopes of what we're fighting for.

Be careful of self-aggrandizement, placing yourself in your own mind as superior to everyone else, the illusion that you alone are brave, committed, a leader, and willing to die for freedom. Delusions of grandeur are the downfall of many a revolutionary,and that kind of thinking creates tyrants.

It is also foolish to throw your life away by throwing yourself on a sword when there are nonviolent ways of achieving what you're after. It's better to fight for freedom and stay alive if possible while doing it. Then you can be around after the fight to contribute to the new world.

If you go to that rally and instigate violence, you will poison the efforts of the entire truth movement. Media coverage will label conspiracy theorists as not only crazy but dangerous. That makes it even harder for us to get our message across and win people over to the truth.

Please deeply think about these matters, and reconsider your position. Your passion could be such a powerful catalyst for change, but not if you pollute your mind and your actions with hatred and intentional bloodshed. Be a noble leader, not a new tyrant. The world has enough of that hateful mentality.

And Take, the world needs your passion and commitment. You can do so much good with that passionate zeal. Don't throw away that opportunity by corrupting yourself.

Bronte Baxter
"Splinter in the Mind" blog site

Unknown said...

i agree with brontebaxter. if you really wanna do this, we gotta think it through. we dont have to attack them physically, we can do it psychologically and other ways.

Unknown said...

im in however and i can get a few people too. just hit me up on the developments or